Usability — Blog — Slide UX | The User Experience Design Consultancy


You Know Too Much to Think Like Your Users

You Know Too Much to Think Like Your Users

In this edition of For Humans’ Sake, Lindsay Winters speaks with Scott Segal, Director of IT at the American Board of Radiology, about how user insights can change assumptions, why it’s important to talk to the people who use the product you’re building, why you should consider the conceptual complexity of anything you're designing, and understanding that you’re not your user.

Navigate the Unique Challenges of Unmoderated Quantitative Studies

Navigate the Unique Challenges of Unmoderated Quantitative Studies

What do you do when you run a study and you don’t know what the results mean?

I saw it happen and the experience stuck with me.

A long time ago, I worked with a team that wanted to test a new site navigation prototype. Could users find what they where asked to find? Because they wanted to ensure ‘statistical significance’, they tested with hundreds of users, so qualitative input was out of the question.